Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Answers to the blue sheet

1. The first generation of RAF was founded by several people,with Baader and Meinhof as leaders. Their first protest was implemented by placing a bomb in the department store. They picked a time when there were no people in the store, they just tried to notice the authorities and tried not to kill people. They did so to protest against the indifference of people who sit and watch the genocide in Vietnam. Speech was not strong enough so they took actions instead. As Meinhof said, throwing a single stone is a crime but throwing a thousand stones is a political action. They knew this kind of protest was an act of rebellion, but they just tried to warn people not just resign him/herself to doing nothing.

2. As the developing of RAF, the group changed. The first generation was not officially formed until Baader was caught and finally rescued. Before Meinhof joined them, they were just stealing things and acting as revolutionary. After RAF was founded, they turned into terrorists. They became more and more violent. They got amours and robbed banks. Making bombs and killing people was a piece of cake for them then. The 2nd and 3rd generation of RAF even kidnapped governmental officers and executed them.

3. Yes. At the beginning of the movie, I thought Baader was just a bludger. But as they formed the group I found out his behavior was meaningful to others. For example, he encouraged Peter, a young man escaped from Lucky City. They hanged out together, Baader taught him what was freedom. Even in the training camp, they took sunbathe naked.

4. I was in the violence group. The reason I chose that was because I believe action is stronger than speech. But the violence side did not mean that I am a violent person but for some cases like the revolution, I believe that a certain level of violence would be necessary. When the government failed its people, what would they do to make a difference? The violent way could make a attention immediately. The reason why speech was weak because in some countries the medium is under government control, they only report what the government allows.      

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